End of Year 2 Report

End of Year Report December 2017-submitted by: Claudia J. Ressel-Hodan Psy.D, As the 2nd year of planning for the Pentwater-Hart Trail comes to an end, I want all supporters to know that although we are years away from a trail all the pieces continue to fall in place. Movement towards our goal happens every month. Thus, I am happy to say there is much to share! January 2017, I attended the Michigan Trail Summit. I learned that Michigan desire is to be “Connected” throughout the state. This desire for “Connection” is advantageous to our efforts, since we are “connecting” to the Hart-Montague Trail. As I networked at the meetings, I realized that our efforts are in the “view “of funding programs such as TAP through MDOT. The representative expressed interest in helping us any way he could in preparing our grant when time comes. Additionally, in January I attended the “Leaders in Economic Development “Meeting specifically the Recreation Committee. The Pentwater-Hart Trail is recognized in their overall plans. February 2017, I meet with the new Road Commission Manager Mark Timmer. Mr. Timmer joins our committee with a desire to be as helpful as possible and a belief in ”safe” bicycle roadways. March 2017, a meeting with the Ludington Jaycee’s took place. The Jaycees provided a commitment to our trail efforts and committed to help fund raise. April 2017, our committee meat to discuss potential trail head locations. Discussions of land owned by the village, and hurtles of both were discussed. Additionally, in April a pre survey drive of the trail route was performed by myself, Mark Timmer of the Road Commission, David Blume(as a resident, not official employee of Fleis & VandenBrink). This drive uncovered the biggest construction hurtles of the trail . May 2017, The trail volunteer committee provided brochures and sale items at Pentwater Founders Day. Additionally, the Pentwater-Hart Trail was picked at the recipient of the Pentwater “Movies On The Green" profits. June 2017, I attended the Grand Region Non-motorized Plan Outreach Meeting. At this meeting MDOT presented its Grand Region bike and trail guide mapping. The mapping was based on outreach meetings that occurred in December 2016. I am very happy to report that out Pentwater-Hart Bike trail is listed as a proposed regional corridor on the MDOT Grand Region Non motorized Plan (page 49 link: MDOT-Grand-Region-Nonmotorized-Plan-Final-092017-w-maps-inserted.pdf This inclusion is important when grants are requested. Also in June the trail committee participated in a fund raising both at the Pentwater Spring Craft Feast. July 2017, Trail Committee hosts the movie “Breaking Away” at Movies On the Green as a fund raising event. Additionally, the Trail core planning committee meet to next steps in obtaining a survey. Focus is given on the type of survey desired. Committee member John Wilson a Retired Director of Parks and Recreation with experience in building trails discussed the option of utilizing engineering students. The committee agrees to have Mr. Wilson pursue this option. August 2017 A proposal from Fleis & VandenBrink Engineering is optioned. Two options are given; Full Route Survey and a Targeted Survey with Concept Plans and Renderings. It is decided at the January meeting to option the level of survey that would be sufficient to begin grant writing. September 2017, A huge step in the planning process occurred John Wilson committee member, (supported by the committee and Road Commission Manager Mark Timmer), select as a Capstone Project by a team of 4 civil engineering students from Western Michigan University, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET). The WMU engineering students were in Pentwater where they toured the proposed trail route from Hart to Pentwater. During the tour the WMU planning team looked at various design challenges along the route as well as various ways to have the trail exit the Hart area and terminate in Pentwater proper. The students have already met with representatives of Fleis & VandenBrink who have been supporting the PHT Committee with trail engineering concepts. Representatives from Flies & VandenBrink will continue to assist the students throughout the project by answering various engineering questions, providing technical information already on file and in general supporting their efforts on a limited basis. Although WMU has top-quality engineering students, the students are not licensed, and they cannot provide licensed engineering services. However, they will be able to provide the PHT Committee with preliminary engineering work, cost estimates, design alternatives, etc. that could serve as an engineering foundation for the future professional engineering firm that will design the PHT. Additionally, in September the Volunteer Committee participated in the Pentwater Falsest fund raiser. October 2017 Website updates occur please visit www.Pentwater-HartBikeTrail.com The current Fund Raising Tracking is $14,165. It is estimated that $6,000 is needed for our needed grant writing survey. November 2017, Committee member Sue Squire acting in the position of Fund Raising Consultant and Assistant begins to plan a Yearly Fund Raising Event “Roll for the Pentwater-Hart Bike Trail”. The date is set for June 30th, 2018 for the initial event. Sponsors per mile will be sought by riders as the travel the route. Additionally, a family friendly short course event will take place on June 29th, in the Village. Please mark you calendars now to participate! December 2017 Continued Fund raising Events meetings are planned. I sincerely hope that after reading this report you see the worthiness of you donation and volunteerism. Please visit: https://oceana-foundation.org/give/give-now/…

Claudia J. Ressel-Hodan Psy.D. Chair Pentwater-Hart Bike Trail